Benefits of Young Coconut for Healing and Health

Young coconut is indeed very easy to get, coconut can grow in coastal areas and in the mountains. 
Young coconut is very good at making coconut ice can also be consumed directly without mixing anything. 
Young coconut water is very suitable to drink in the hot sun, young coconut is very loved by young and old, even the children really like it. 
Many young coconuts are sold in places of tourism, for example on the beach, made as a typical beverage and can also be said for paporite drinks for visitors.

You need to know behind a refreshing drink, it turns out that there are many benefits to our health and fitness.

One of the benefits is that it can cure fusing because it is drunk on the trip, well if you want to travel far by using a car there is no harm in bringing young coconut for refreshment when you are dizzy from fatigue and heat.
There are several benefits of green young coconut including:

1. For a diet for women.
Coconut water is very suitable for daily drinks for women who are on a diet, because the fat and calorie      content in coconut water is very small.
2. For medicine for skin diseases
For external treatment coconut water can help cure Eczema, Broken Feet, and Oily Skin.
- For the treatment of eczema, coconut milk can be applied to the affected part. 
- For the treatment of broken legs, enough feet are soaked in coconut water for approximately fifteen minutes. 
- For oily facial skin, just wash your face with coconut water and let it sit for a few minutes, then clean it with water, then your face will feel fresh.
 3. Cool the body

Coconut water is very effective to cool down at the time of fever because coconut water can regulate the temperature in the body.
4. Neutralizing Toxins in the Body.

Coconut water turns out to be able to neutralize poisons in our body because in the content of coconut water there is one substance called Antidotum, this substance can neutralize certain types of poisons that enter the body.
In addition, in the content of coconut water there is a bioactive enzyme, namely tannins which can break down toxins in the body.

5. Prevent urinary tract infections

Coconut water can prevent inflammation and infection in the urinary tract because in coconut water it contains natural dieuretics

6. For the Digestion Process

In coconut water contained lauric acid This substance can help heal intestinal inflammation and can reduce the incidence of stomach acid in the intestine.

7. Prevent Migraines

Coconut water can treat migrants because the magnesium content in coconut water can facilitate blood circulation in the head so that the pain in the head will disappear.
8. Can Reduce Depression

Magnesium contained in coconut water turns out to be a mineral that is very useful for maintaining brain function.

Drinking coconut water every day can improve the mood of a more calm and comfortable mood

9. For Male Virility

Coconut water can cure premature manipulation, can improve erection better. Why can coconut water be beneficial for male virility?

Facts from coconut water for men:

According to the medical coconut water contains a lot of sodium which is useful for muscle contraction, and on that side men must have healthy muscles and healthy muscles that are important for erection.

Coconut water contains Potassium and Magnesium if the lack of potassium and magnesium will have a negative effect on the circulatory system that is able to make erectile function.

That is the reason that coconut water can help erectile dysfunction.

10. Increase energy in the body

The content of Vitamins in coconut water is very helpful for setamina and energy in daily activities.

Vitamins contained in coconut water:

- Vitamin A

- Vitamin C

- Vitamin B6

- Vitamin B12

- Mineral

- Sterols

And there are still many substances contained in coconut water that have many benefits for our body.

11. Overcome hair loss

Coconut water can help circulate blood in the body, if blood circulation does not smoothly supply blood to the scalp is insufficient so that it can reduce new hair growth so that it can lead to hair loss.

12. For heart health

Those who have heart health problems are very good at drinking coconut milk for days, because potassium, calcium and magnesium can help keep the heart muscle relaxed so that it reduces the risk of heart attack.

13. Prevent dehydration

The content of coconut water is very good for the body because coconut water can be quickly absorbed with body tissues and can quickly replace lost fluids.

14. Counteract free radicals

In coconut water contained anti-oxidants so that it can help the body to fight the body from free radical attacks.

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