Noni Fruit Is A Natural Herbal Medicine

Noni fruit is believed to be the most effective fruit to treat various types of disease complaints such as: 
-High blood pressure 

Noni fruit comes from Southeast Asia, India, Australia and including Indonesia, noni fruit has many green seeds, baunyapun Not tasty but behind that noni fruit contains many substances that are useful for human health.

It's not just that noni fruit is useful for beauty as for moisturizers to disguise premature aging by being applied to the face.

Noni fruit is very good for Setamina, consuming noni fruit every day 5-6 mg of Noni fruit can increase energy and also relieve pain.

Substance Content of Noni Fruit Compounds.

17 Main Content of Noni.
  -  Xeronine
  - Vitamin A
  - Scopoletin

  - Vitamin C
  - Fiber
  - Fiber 
  - Selenium
  - Flaponoid 
  - Sodium  Antibacterial and cancerous substances.

  -.Potassium Protein
  - Carbohydrates
  - Vitamin B2
  - Vitamin B3
  - Terpenoid
  - Iron  
  - Substance

Benefits of Noni for Healt

Increase Stamina

To increase setamina with noni juice with noni fruit belender then filtered and drunk in believing the water from noni fruit juice can increase setamina to carry out activities

Reducing High Blood Pressure

Drinking juice from Noni fruit every day will help reduce high blood pressure.

It should be noted before consuming Noni fruit

For pregnant and lactating women, it is not permissible to consume noni fruit as soon as it will be less good for the fetus. 
Noni fruit can increase high potassium in the body and will cause fatigue and will have a bad impact on the kidneys.

Noni Fruit Compounds

Has anti-bacterial properties. 

Noni fruit appeared to contain anti-bacterial substances and was able to fight the invading bacteria Pseudonzonas aeruginosa, Proteus morganii, Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus subtilis and Escherichia coli.

In laboratory tests, anti-bacterial substances were able to control lethal bacteria including Salmonella and Shigella. And antibacterial substances contained in Noni fruit are used to treat skin from infections, flu, fever, fever and other diseases caused by bacteria.

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