Ciplukan Plant for the Treatment of Various Diseases 

Ciplukan plants that grow a lot in garden gardens and even ciplukan plants are considered as a plant, apparently the ciplukan plant has infinite benefits to cure various diseases.
In some countries in Asia, especially Indonesia and Malaysia, ciplukan plants are very good for making medicinal plants that can cure various diseases including:

Can cure heart complaints.

The benefits of ciplukan fruit to be taken advantage of to help cure heart disease is quite easy.
Take enough ciplukan leaves to wash thoroughly, can be consumed directly as vegetables. You can also crush it with a belender like a juis and drink without any mixture.  

To Add Blood.

To cure anemia or anemia, you can boil the stem from Cipluka trees and drink 3 times a day.

 Cure Itchy Ringworm.
Ringworm feels very disturbing besides infinite itching which is also very damaging to appearance when attacking in the open.

For treatment, just take the leaves of the ciplukan fruit, crush it in the palm of the hand and apply 3 times a day to the part affected by ringworm.

Cure Cholesterol.

The leaves of ciplukan fruit can cure cholesterol, how to take leaves from ciplukan fruit and consume it every day 3 times a day.

Reducing High Blood Pressure.

Ciplukan turns out to be very good for lowering high blood pressure, for those of you who want to try it just take the leaves of the fruit and roots to wash thoroughly then boil until boiling and the water can be drunk for 3 consecutive weeks.

For Healing Diabetes

For the treatment of diabetes take the entire ciplukan tree from the leaves, fruit, stems, and roots to wash thoroughly then boil from 4 cups until the remaining 2 cups and the use of drinking doses 3x a day morning and evening the treatment can be carried out continuously until it really heals.
Treating stroke.

Some parts of the ciplukan tree can cure stroke, then consume fruit, leaves or decoction from ciplukan tree which can help cure the disease of stroke.

Eliminate joint pain.
Take enough ciplukan leaves and then pulverize and crush the betel lime and paste it on the affected part.

Eliminating Yellowness in Newborns.

Ciplukan fruit can remove yellow in newborns, how to dry ciplukan fruit to dry and then boil until boiling and ciplukan cooking water mixed in the baby's bath water. 

Helps Breast Cancer Treatment.

Breast cancer is a scary and terrible disease, but with ciplukan it can cure this disease.

Adding Children's Intelligence.

Children who consume ciplukan fruit can actually increase their intelligence.

Reducing fever.

Not only ciplukan leaves by consuming ciplukan fruit can reduce fever, especially for children.

May be useful.

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