Noni Fruit Is A Natural Herbal Medicine

Noni fruit is believed to be the most effective fruit to treat various types of disease complaints such as: 
-High blood pressure 

Noni fruit comes from Southeast Asia, India, Australia and including Indonesia, noni fruit has many green seeds, baunyapun Not tasty but behind that noni fruit contains many substances that are useful for human health.

It's not just that noni fruit is useful for beauty as for moisturizers to disguise premature aging by being applied to the face.

Noni fruit is very good for Setamina, consuming noni fruit every day 5-6 mg of Noni fruit can increase energy and also relieve pain.

Substance Content of Noni Fruit Compounds.

17 Main Content of Noni.
  -  Xeronine
  - Vitamin A
  - Scopoletin

  - Vitamin C
  - Fiber
  - Fiber 
  - Selenium
  - Flaponoid 
  - Sodium  Antibacterial and cancerous substances.

  -.Potassium Protein
  - Carbohydrates
  - Vitamin B2
  - Vitamin B3
  - Terpenoid
  - Iron  
  - Substance

Benefits of Noni for Healt

Increase Stamina

To increase setamina with noni juice with noni fruit belender then filtered and drunk in believing the water from noni fruit juice can increase setamina to carry out activities

Reducing High Blood Pressure

Drinking juice from Noni fruit every day will help reduce high blood pressure.

It should be noted before consuming Noni fruit

For pregnant and lactating women, it is not permissible to consume noni fruit as soon as it will be less good for the fetus. 
Noni fruit can increase high potassium in the body and will cause fatigue and will have a bad impact on the kidneys.

Noni Fruit Compounds

Has anti-bacterial properties. 

Noni fruit appeared to contain anti-bacterial substances and was able to fight the invading bacteria Pseudonzonas aeruginosa, Proteus morganii, Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus subtilis and Escherichia coli.

In laboratory tests, anti-bacterial substances were able to control lethal bacteria including Salmonella and Shigella. And antibacterial substances contained in Noni fruit are used to treat skin from infections, flu, fever, fever and other diseases caused by bacteria.

Ciplukan Plant for the Treatment of Various Diseases 

Ciplukan plants that grow a lot in garden gardens and even ciplukan plants are considered as a plant, apparently the ciplukan plant has infinite benefits to cure various diseases.
In some countries in Asia, especially Indonesia and Malaysia, ciplukan plants are very good for making medicinal plants that can cure various diseases including:

Can cure heart complaints.

The benefits of ciplukan fruit to be taken advantage of to help cure heart disease is quite easy.
Take enough ciplukan leaves to wash thoroughly, can be consumed directly as vegetables. You can also crush it with a belender like a juis and drink without any mixture.  

To Add Blood.

To cure anemia or anemia, you can boil the stem from Cipluka trees and drink 3 times a day.

 Cure Itchy Ringworm.
Ringworm feels very disturbing besides infinite itching which is also very damaging to appearance when attacking in the open.

For treatment, just take the leaves of the ciplukan fruit, crush it in the palm of the hand and apply 3 times a day to the part affected by ringworm.

Cure Cholesterol.

The leaves of ciplukan fruit can cure cholesterol, how to take leaves from ciplukan fruit and consume it every day 3 times a day.

Reducing High Blood Pressure.

Ciplukan turns out to be very good for lowering high blood pressure, for those of you who want to try it just take the leaves of the fruit and roots to wash thoroughly then boil until boiling and the water can be drunk for 3 consecutive weeks.

For Healing Diabetes

For the treatment of diabetes take the entire ciplukan tree from the leaves, fruit, stems, and roots to wash thoroughly then boil from 4 cups until the remaining 2 cups and the use of drinking doses 3x a day morning and evening the treatment can be carried out continuously until it really heals.
Treating stroke.

Some parts of the ciplukan tree can cure stroke, then consume fruit, leaves or decoction from ciplukan tree which can help cure the disease of stroke.

Eliminate joint pain.
Take enough ciplukan leaves and then pulverize and crush the betel lime and paste it on the affected part.

Eliminating Yellowness in Newborns.

Ciplukan fruit can remove yellow in newborns, how to dry ciplukan fruit to dry and then boil until boiling and ciplukan cooking water mixed in the baby's bath water. 

Helps Breast Cancer Treatment.

Breast cancer is a scary and terrible disease, but with ciplukan it can cure this disease.

Adding Children's Intelligence.

Children who consume ciplukan fruit can actually increase their intelligence.

Reducing fever.

Not only ciplukan leaves by consuming ciplukan fruit can reduce fever, especially for children.

May be useful.

Young Areca Palm And Its Benefits For Men

The areca tree has a characteristic diameter of about 30cm and the tree perpendicular to the height of the tree reaches 15-20 m.
Areca trees live around the banks of rivers and on certain days many people use them for climbing areca nuts.

Many areca trees are familiar with the benefits and benefits, but the community only knows about this areca palm plant just for herbal medicine.

This time I will invite you to get to know and understand more deeply about the bitter areca nut.
Besides talking about the health of betel nuts it can increase sex drive for men.

Areca nut juice is considered the best solution for men to be able to satisfy a partner who is very in love without any side effects and is dangerous in the future.

Natural Remedy Herbs

A powerful natural homemade medicine is an effective step so that a strong, durable man, traditional methods have been perfected by cross-continent experts who are able to mix and utilize natural sources of medicine and can no doubt be safe.

In this modern era, there are many drugs that are sold freely to boost a man's ability to be long-lasting to make love.

But besides that there are many advantages and disadvantages about the existence of side episodes later on, for that we must be smart to be smart in choosing the steps that we are going through which of course without spending large amounts of money and without epics that will occur later on.

How to make strong medicine from areca nut

Areca nut has fiber roots such as coconut trees, areca nut has its own ter efficacy to make a wife happy while making love.

Discussing this time, I will tell you about the calm concoction. we first remove enough betel root ingredients and then mix with alang-alang roots, the ingredients are washed thoroughly, then prepare the original java sugar one guide, then the three ingredients are boiled and given 4 cups of water, wait until boiling and only remaining 2 cups.

To get maximum results, the dose is taken 3 times a day 1/2, 1/2 afternoon gels, glasses and 1/2 night glass are taken 2 hours before intercourse.
In addition to masculinity, betel root can prevent and help cure back pain, itching due to scabies, and diphtheria.

Betel nuts are known to have only been folded with betel nut in the past, and through the advancement of young betel nuts can be processed into a refreshing juice, areca nuts daily routine with great benefits for the vitality of men in lovemaking.

Tanaman Ciplukan Untuk Pengobatan Berbagai Penyakit 

Tanaman ciplukan yang banyak tumbuh di kebun kebun bahkan tanaman ciplukan di anggap sebagai tanaman penggangu, ternyata tanaman ciplukan mempunyai manfaat yang tak terhingga untuk menyembuhkan berbagai macam penyakit.

Dibeberapa negara di Asia hususnya Indonesia dan Malayasia menyatakan tanaman ciplukan sangat baik untuk di jadikan tanaman obat yang bisa menyembuhkan berbagai macam penyakit di antaranya:

Dapat menyembuhkan keluhan jantung.

Khasiat buah ciplukan untuk di ambil manfaatnya untuk membantu penyembuhan penyakit jantung caranya cukup mudah.
Ambil daun ciplukan secukupnya cuci sampai bersih bisa di konsumsi langsung sebagai lalap bisa juga dengan di hancurkan dengan belender layaknya seperti juis dan di minum tanpa campuran apa apa.

Untuk Tambah Darah.

Untuk penyembuhan kurang darah atau anemia anda bisa merebus batang dari pohon cipluka dan di minum 3x sehari.

Menyembuhkan Gatal Kurap.

Penyakit kurap rasanya sangat menggangu selain gatal yang tak terhingga juga sangat merusak penampilan bila menyerang di bagian yang terbuka.

Untuk pengobatanya cukup ambil daun dari buah ciplukan hancurkan di telapak tangan dan oleskan 3x sehari pada bagian yang terkena kurap.

 Menyembuhkan Kolesterol.

Daun dari buah ciplukan ternyata dapat menyembuhkan kolesterol, caranya ambil daun dari buah ciplukan dan di konsumsi setiap hari 3x sehari.

 Menurunkan Tekanan Darah Tinggi.

Ciplukan ternyata sangat baik untuk menurunkan tekanan darah tinggi, bagi anda yang ingin mencobanya cukup ambil daun buah dan akarnya cuci sampai bersih kemudian rebus sampai mendidih dan airnya bisa di minum selama 3 minggu berturut turut.

Untuk Penyembuhan Kencing Manis.

untuk pengobatan kencing manis ambil seluruh pohon ciplukan dari daun, buah, batang, dan akar cuci sampai bersih kemudian rebus dari 4 gelas sampai tersisa 2 gelas dan dosis pemakaiyan minum 3x sehari  pagi siang dan sorehari pengobatan ini bisa dilakukan terus menerus sampai bener benar sembuh.

 Mengobati Setroke.

Beberapa bagian dari pohon ciplukan bisa menyembukan penyakit setroke maka konsumsi buah , daun atau rebusan dari pohon ciplukan yang bisa membantu penyembuhan penyakit setroke.

Menghilangkan sakit Persendian.

 Ambil daun ciplukan secukupnya kemudian lumatkan dan capur kapur sirih kemudian tempelkan pada bagian yang sakit.

Menghilangkan Kuning Pada Bayi Yang Baru Lahir.

Buah ciplukan dapat menghilangkan kuning pada bayi yang baru lahir, caranya jemur buah ciplukan sampai kering kemudian rebus sampai mendidih dan air rebusan ciplukan dicampurkan pada air mandi sang bayi.

Membantu Pengobatan Kangker Payudara.

Kangker payudara sebuah penyakit yang menakutkan dan mengerikan, tapi dengan ciplukan bisa menyembuhkan penyakit ini.

Menambah Kecerdasan Anak.

Anak anak dengan mengkonsumsi buah ciplukan ternyata dapat menambah kecerdasan mereka.

Menurunkan Demam.
Bukan hanya daun ciplukan dengan mengkonsumsi buah ciplukan bisa menurunkan demam terutama untuk anak anak.

 Semoga ber manfaat.